To zumba or not to zumba, that is the question!

Thinking back over the summer, there have been many times when I have allowed myself certain treats with the excuse that it was the holidays and that my diet / healthy living can start in September.  Unfortunately however, September is now here and I actually have to do something about it.  There are no two ways about it – I am over-weight and seriously unfit.  It is also rather unfortunate that I am a great fan of food.  I love to eat!

When I got married a couple of years ago, in the few months between our engagement and the wedding, I managed to lose one and a half stone.  I was quite proud of that and really hoped to continue to lose more weight after the wedding.  That didn’t happen however!  Not only did I not lose any more weight, I put back on the weight I had lost… and a lot more! Not good!  So my task now is bigger and even more over-whelming than it was before.

I have to start somewhere so I have signed myself up for a zumba class tonight.  I have never been to zumba before and frankly I am terrified!  Lots of people love zumba and in theory it is the type of exercise I might actually like, but I have no rhythm or co-ordination, and I have problems with my hearing so listening to the instructor in a noisy environment might be challenging.  But apart from that, I’m sure I’ll have a great time! 😉

I’ll let you know if I survive this one…

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